Does the word MOTHER always have the same meaning?
Some time ago there was a TV commercial for a motorbike that projected the riders of the same to be the unshakable ones in lives turmoil. In my adolescent and young adult years when I was much inclined to get into various types of trouble (Including girl friend problems) and then behave like the tough guy “the unshakable type” and keep sulking in the background. The first one to spot that would be my mother, and I always wondered how? My mother always said that she knew what I needed even when I could not speak (as an infant). It’s much easier now.
I revere a mother as someone who knows the best for their children and I would not equate that to fathers even being a father myself. But this belief of mine was shaken just a few days ago and I am still in shock. I am sharing this story with all of you as our series “Another day in Catalyst life”
“MOTHER” Spelt with an “I”
Four months ago, just before the start of our project Diversion, we approached a 12-year-old girl Kanu (name changed) to be a part of Diversion. Kanu has been known to us for about 2 years and is a very attractive looking girl. Our staff anticipated her to get into trouble if she stayed under the flyover (our project area). But her mother was very adamant of not sending her as she was the one who would earn money by rag picking or begging, bring water, cook food and take care of 3 other siblings as the mother in under alcohol influence all the time. Our best convincing did not work.
3 weeks ago, late at night, we got the news that Kanu and one other girl of the same age has been raped by a man of the same locality. This man has children of almost the same age. More over the community has let off this man for a fine of Rs 3000. We tried to get the mother file a police case but no one including her was even willing to speak about it.
When we spoke to the girl, she was shattered and wanted to get away from this place. We took her to our shelter and contacted the police with her situation but the police were of a different opinion and directed us to hand over the girl back to the mother no matter what as she is the natural guardian of this girl. In spite of us referring to her sexual exploitation, under age labor and begging the police did not give us an option and under pressure we had to send the girl back. On her return she along with other girls who were in our favor were brutally beaten by their families.
2 days hence the girl disappeared, people say she has been sent back to her village, which we know well, does not exist. The mother who is still here is poisoning the minds of other families.
Catalyst is thinking, how do we handle these mothers with and “I”, what can we do next??
Your opinions will be of great value
PS: There is always a hope
For those of you who remember the previous edition of Another day in Catalyst Life "Buy back offer with a slight Difference"
The girl Anamika is now a part of Catalyst's Diversion Project and is doing very well. She is being treated for chronic Asthama. She has transformed into a very cheerful and happy girl from being low and sulking. She aims to sustains herself in one years time and start supporting her family who are still living under the flyover. Remember her in your prayers.