Monday, November 28, 2011

Months of Incubation and dreams are born..

Months of incubation and some dreams are born…

In a city, of as vast magnitude such as Delhi. A place where only 866 girls survive per 1000 males or in other words 134 girls are killed (even before they are born) per 1000 girls suppose to be born. Lives for those who are born and especially for those who are on the streets is a nightmare you and I can’t even in our imagination dare to dream.

A girl, living on Delhi streets, by the time she is 12-13, is certain to be sexually abused. To find security she would start living with a boy/man, who in return of that security will take sexual gratification. By the time she is 13-15, she would have delivered a child and this continues for a long time, sometimes a girl of 21 years would have as many as 5 children all of whom would be living and creating another generation on the streets.

If this was a road in the life of a Delhi’s street girl with the destination being a generation more on the street, a Diversion was needed to take them to a better destination, a better future a better generation in the times to come.

In July 2009, an idea was incepted. The purpose was to break a cycle, change a path, undo the usual, and create a Diversion.

Diversion in the lives of girls, who lived in various slums and street sides of Delhi. These are the girls whose life was configured (by the society, economy and circumstances) in a way of vicious circle, coming out of which was only a dream or to be precise a forbidden one.

Catalyst, Initiated Diversion, a program designed from the inputs of those girls who lived in the jungle called the streets of delhi. The idea was to provide a complete solution, therefore not just a diversion but also a destination.

Today, we are almost at the end of the 2nd batch of Diversion. 23 girls have gone through this program. We are nurturing dreams, which are not so distant realities. A beautician, Computer literate office personnel, a factory manager, a fashion designer, an artist, a Chef and the possibilities are unlimited.

WE do not see few girls off the streets but we see a generation of healthy families leading a sustainable life with a vision to be the Catalyst creating rapid diversions from the vicious cycle of street dwelling for others.

Join us in standing on this road of societal cruelty holding a sign of Diversion…leading to a beautiful destination.